Pushing Podio

Setting up a MySQL Database for GlobiFlow

Stop using Podio as a general database. If you need to deal with large amounts of data that you will never interact with on a daily basis, use a dedicated database instead. Just because you CAN use Podio for this, does not mean you SHOULD.

Huge data sets in Podio can slow down the system for everyone, and when you need to query your data, it’s really slow. On the other hand, you can get a dedicated MySQL server starting from $5/month and performing queries on your data there is nearly instant.

With a little help from ProcFu, you can work with your MySQL database using GlobiFlow in a super-simple way.

In this post, we’re going to show you the minimum steps to get a database for use within GF by leasing a $5 Digital Ocean droplet.

Get a Database Server

If you don’t have a Digital Ocean account, get one at digitalocean.com:

DigitalOcean - The developer cloud
Helping millions of developers easily build, test, manage, and scale applications of any size - faster than ever before.

Next log into your Digital Ocean dashboard and create a new Droplet.

From the Create Droplets screen, select “Marketplace”

And from the Marketplace listing, select “MySQL”

Next, choose the plan and droplet size. If you’re just getting started, the $5 droplet will be ample

Choose your data center and backups if you want (good idea), and finally name your droplet and click on “Create”

Once the droplet is created, you will receive an email with the IP address and root password. Save this in a safe place.

Next, ssh into your new droplet using the IP and password

ssh root@IPADDRESS

You will be prompted to change your root password, so go ahead and do that now

To get your mysql passwords, use

cat /root/.digitalocean_password

Create a Database

Using your droplet’s IP address, go to phpMyAdmin by navigating to http://IPADRESS/phpmyadmin

Log in as “admin” with the password you got earlier for “admin_mysql_pass”

Once logged in, select “Databases” and create a new DB

From that database, select “Privileges”

And click on “Add user account”

Give this user a username and a strong password (maybe use something like this password generator with a 32 character password length)

Make sure the Host name is set to “Any Host” (“%”) and that prvileges are set to grant all on the database you just created.

Add Databse to ProcFu

Now that you have a database, you need to connect it to your ProcFu account.

Go to the Configuration Page and click on the “Add MySQL” button in the MySQL section

Enter the IP address of your droplet and the username, password and database name you created earlier and click on Submit

And that’s it. You’re now ready to start using MySQL from GlobiFlow.

Secure your Database

Even though we used a good password for the database, it's a good idea to firewall restrict access to as much as possible.

To be able to SSH into the server, we need to make sure SSH is allowed:

sudo ufw allow ssh

And then we need to allow only ProcFu servers access to MySQL (port 3306)

sudo ufw allow from to any port 3306
sudo ufw allow from to any port 3306

You can get the current IP addresses from the Configuration page in ProcFu where you added the MySQL connection.

You may also want to allow your own IP address, etc.

Once done, enable it with:

sudo ufw enable

Do not close your current terminal window, and use another terminal window to log into your server again to ensure you didn't accidentally lock yourself out.

For more info on using UFW, see this great tutorial

UFW Essentials: Common Firewall Rules and Commands | DigitalOcean
UFW is a firewall configuration tool for iptables that is included with Ubuntu by default. This cheat sheet-style guide provides a quick reference to UFW commands that will create iptables firewall rules are useful in common, everyday scenarios. This includes UFW examples of allowing and blocking various services by port, network interface, and source IP address.

I also highly recommend you install fail2ban. It's super easy and there's a great tutorial here:

How to Setup Fail2ban on your Ubuntu 18.04 VPS Server or Dedicated Server | HostAdvice
Fail2ban is an intelligent Utility that scans log files to mitigate malicious attacks on your server. The tool blocks IP addresses that lead to too many password failures. If you are running Ubuntu 18.04 VPS, then Fail2ban should give your server an edge in fighting hackers automatically.

Next up:

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