Realtor Demo
To showcase the power of ProcFu’s Mini Apps and ease of creating them, we’ve put together a few “BIG” demos.
This demo is a real estate site allowing the public to view listings and send enquiries to the selling realtor. It also allows “realtors” to sign up and add their own listings.
You can play with the actual site here:
The “Realtor” portion uses Google authentication, so you will need a GMail address to sign up as a realtor and submit listings.
How it’s made
Podio has 3 apps: Sellers, Properties, and Inquiries
The Sellers App looks like this:
The Properties app looks like this:
And the Inquiries App looks like this:
We have 2 flows in GlobiFlow to tie things together.
First, a flow to make sure that when realtors sign up, no duplicates are created:
Lastly, a flow to send new inquiries via email to the listing realtor:
ProcFu Mini App
This mini app isn’t too complex to set up given the above pre-requisites. Here it is in all it’s glory:
End Result
You can play with it here: